You can find downloadable resources for both individual and corporate repentance below. 

Please note that the Repentance Complete Study Guide file contains discussion questions which correspond to each chapter of the book. It also includes Bible Talks and Family Devos on repentance. More resources are available at the Commonwealth Academy.

Repentance is published by IPI Books (search "Repentance") and available through its Web site as well as Finally audio lessons on Repentance are also available.

Resources for both Individual and Corporate Repentance

Most files were created using Keynote; therefore, the PowerPoint version of each Keynote file may not translate with full functionality or formatting. If you don't need to edit the file, then download the .pdf versions of the Keynote files to retain all formatting.

Also, you can quickly access the book, Repentance  A Cosmic Shift of Mind and Heart, via the Amazon sidebar link (it's now also available as a Kindle ebook)